Reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke by two thirds

Consult an online doctor today to see if the Polypill Prevention Programme is appropriate for you.

Polypill Prevention Programme

The Polypill Prevention Programme combines personal healthcare advice from our team of medical practitioners with expertise in cardiovascular disease prevention with, if appropriate, a highly effective course of medication designed to reduce your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. When preventive medication is appropriate, the Polypill Prevention Programme uses three blood pressure-lowering drugs at low doses and a cholesterol-lowering medication at standard dose, selected to maximise effectiveness and safety.

The development of cardiovascular disease is influenced by your diet, weight, exercise routine and lifestyle throughout life. As part of a balanced lifestyle, the preventive medication provided as part of the Polypill Prevention Programme helps to reduce your risk by reducing your blood pressure and cholesterol.

A secret medicine

The Polypill is discussed in an article published in the British Journal of General Practice.

Read "A secret medicine" ».

Clinical audit of Polypill efficacy

Read about an audit of the efficacy of the Polypill Prevention Programme

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Feedback from participants

Read feedback from participants in the Polypill Prevention Programme

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We provide an online medical consultation to assess whether people are eligible to join the Polypill Prevention Programme. A service fee is charged if you join the programme.

Online consultation Learn more

Polypill and Diet

Your Diet

Your body is closely influenced by the food you eat. Find key ways you can improve your diet.

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Polypill and Lifestyle


Exercise and being active form a vital part of maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Read our tips.

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Polypill and Wellbeing

Smoking and Drinking

We all know that moderation is important. But some choices can cause more complications.

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